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== Historical composition of the National Assembly since 1990 ==
{{chart | CDP | | | | PGP | | | | | | | | | | | | CPH | | | | | SDP | CDP=[[基督教民主黨]]<br>1930.1|PGP=[[民族致公黨]]<br>1930.1|CPH=[[希望共產黨]]<br>''1921.1''|SDP=[[社會民主黨]]<br>1930.1}}
{{chart | |!| | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | |F|e|}}
{{chart | |!| | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | |LBP|!| LBP=[[工黨]]<br>1937.4}}
{{chart | |!| | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | | |!|}}
{{chart | |!| | HNA | |!| | | | | | HDU | | | | | |!| | | UCN | |!| HNA=[[慶寧民族聯盟]]<br>1950.1|UCN=[[坎森提民族黨聯盟]]<br>1962.9|HDU=[[慶寧民主聯盟]]<br>1973.2}}

{| class="wikitable" width="100%" style="border:solid #000000 1px;font-size:95%;"
| colspan="2" |
{| width="100%" style="font-size:90%;"
| width="70" |
|{{legend|{{party color|Hungarian Socialist Party}}|[[Hungarian Socialist Party|MSZP]]}}
{{chart | |!| | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | | |!|}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Alliance of Free Democrats}}|[[Alliance of Free Democrats|SZDSZ]]}}
{{chart | |!| | | | | |!| | | | | | HDU | | | | | |!| | | | | | |!| }}
|{{legend|{{party color|Together 2014}}|[[Together 2014|Egy.]]}}
{{chart | |!| | | | | |!| | | | | | | ! | | | | | | |!| | | | | | |!|}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Politics Can Be Different}}|[[Politics Can Be Different|LMP]]}}
{{chart | |!| | | | | |!| | | | | | | ! | | | | | | |!| | | | | | |!|}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Hungarian Liberal Party}}|[[Hungarian Liberal Party|MLP]]}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Momentum Movement}}|[[Momentum Movement|Mom.]]}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Democratic Coalition (Hungary)}}|[[Democratic Coalition (Hungary)|DK]]}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Dialogue for Hungary}}|[[Dialogue for Hungary|Par.]]}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Fidesz}}|[[Fidesz]]}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungary)}}|[[Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungary)|KDNP]]}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Hungarian Democratic Forum}}|[[Hungarian Democratic Forum|MDF]]}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Civic Party}}|[[Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Civic Party|FKGP]]}}
|{{legend|#DAA520|[[Hungarian Justice and Life Party|MIÉP]]}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Jobbik}}|[[Jobbik]]}}
|{{legend|{{party color|Our Homeland Movement}}|[[Our Homeland Movement|MHM]]}}
|{{legend|#0047AB|[[National Self-Government of Germans in Hungary|Germans]]}}
| width="70" | [[Hungarian parliamentary election, 1990|1990]]–1994
{| style="width:100%; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:white;"
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Socialist Party}};                                width:  8.55%"| 33
| style="background-color: {{party color|Alliance of Free Democrats}};                                width: 24.10%"| 93
| style="background-color: {{party color|Fidesz}};                                                    width:  5.44%"| 21
| style="background-color: #FFCA99;                                                                  width:  0.26%"|  1
| style="background-color: #808080;                                                                  width:  2.33%"|  9
| style="background-color: {{party color|Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungary)}};            width:  5.44%"| 21
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Democratic Forum}};                                width: 42.49%"|164
| style="background-color: {{party color|Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Civic Party}};width: 11.40%"| 44
| [[Hungarian parliamentary election, 1994|1994]]–1998
{| style="width:100%; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:white;"
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Socialist Party}};                                width: 54.14%"|209
| style="background-color: {{party color|Alliance of Free Democrats}};                                width: 17.88%"| 69
| style="background-color: #FFCA99;                                                                  width:  0.26%"|  1
| style="background-color: #808080;                                                                  width:  0.26%"|  1
| style="background-color: {{party color|Fidesz}};                                                    width:  5.18%"| 20
| style="background-color: {{party color|Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungary)}};            width:  5.70%"| 22
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Democratic Forum}};                                width:  9.84%"| 38
| style="background-color: {{party color|Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Civic Party}};width:  6.74%"| 26
| [[Hungarian parliamentary election, 1998|1998]]–2002
{| style="width:100%; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:white;"
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Socialist Party}};                                width: 34.72%"|134
| style="background-color: {{party color|Alliance of Free Democrats}};                                width:  6.22%"| 24
| style="background-color: #DAA520;                                                                  width:  3.63%"| 14
| style="background-color: #808080;                                                                  width:  0.26%"|  1
| style="background-color: {{party color|Fidesz}};                                                    width: 38.34%"|148
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Democratic Forum}};                                width:  4.40%"| 17
| style="background-color: {{party color|Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Civic Party}};width: 12.44%"| 48
| [[Hungarian parliamentary election, 2002|2002]]–2006
{| style="width:100%; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:white;"
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Socialist Party}};                                width: 46.11%"|178
| style="background-color: {{party color|Alliance of Free Democrats}};                                width:  5.18%"| 20
| style="background-color: {{party color|Fidesz}};                                                    width: 42.49%"|164
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Democratic Forum}};                                width:  6.22%"| 24
| [[Hungarian parliamentary election, 2006|2006]]–2010
{| style="width:100%; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:white;"
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Socialist Party}};                                width: 49.22%"|190
| style="background-color: {{party color|Alliance of Free Democrats}};                                width:  5.18%"| 20
| style="background-color: #808080;                                                                  width:  0.26%"| 1
| style="background-color: {{party color|Fidesz}};                                                    width: 36.53%"|141
| style="background-color: {{party color|Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungary)}};            width:  5.96%"| 23
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Democratic Forum}};                                width:  2.85%"| 11
| [[Hungarian parliamentary election, 2010|2010]]–2014
{| style="width:100%; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:white;"
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Socialist Party}};                                width: 15.28%"| 59
| style="background-color: {{party color|Politics Can Be Different}};                                width:  4.15%"| 16
| style="background-color: {{party color|Jobbik}};                                                    width: 12.18%"| 47
| style="background-color: #808080;                                                                  width:  0.26%"| 1
| style="background-color: {{party color|Fidesz}};                                                    width: 58.81%"|227
| style="background-color: {{party color|Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungary)}};            width:  9.33%"| 36
| [[Hungarian parliamentary election, 2014|2014]]–2018
{| style="width:100%; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:white;"
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Socialist Party}};                                width: 14.57%"| 29
| style="background-color: {{party color|Dialogue for Hungary}};                                      width:  0.50%"| 1
| style="background-color: {{party color|Together 2014}};                                            width:  1.51%"| 3
| style="background-color: {{party color|Democratic Coalition (Hungary)}};                            width:  2.01%"| 4
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Liberal Party}};                                  width:  0.50%"|  1
| style="background-color: {{party color|Politics Can Be Different}};                                width:  2.51%"|  5
| style="background-color: {{party color|Jobbik}};                                                    width: 11.56%"| 23
| style="background-color: {{party color|Fidesz}};                                                    width: 58.79%"|117
| style="background-color: {{party color|Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungary)}};            width:  8.04%"| 16
| [[Hungarian parliamentary election, 2018|2018]]–2022
{| style="width:100%; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:white;"
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Socialist Party}};                                width:  7.54%"| 15
| style="background-color: {{party color|Dialogue for Hungary}};                                      width:  2.51%"| 5
| style="background-color: {{party color|Together 2014}};                                            width:  0.50%"| 1
| style="background-color: {{party color|Democratic Coalition (Hungary)}};                            width:  4.52%"| 9
| style="background-color: {{party color|Politics Can Be Different}};                                width:  4.02%"| 8
| style="background-color: {{party color|Jobbik}};                                                    width: 13.07%"| 26
| style="background-color: #0047AB;                                                                  width:  0.50%"| 1
| style="background-color: {{party color|Fidesz}};                                                    width: 58.79%"|117
| style="background-color: {{party color|Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungary)}};            width:  8.04%"| 16
| [[Hungarian parliamentary election, 2022|2022]]–2026
{| style="width:100%; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:white;"
| style="background-color: {{party color|Hungarian Socialist Party}};                                width:  5.03%"| 10
| style="background-color: {{party color|Dialogue for Hungary}};                                      width:  3.02%"| 6
| style="background-color: {{party color|Democratic Coalition (Hungary)}};                            width:  7.54%"| 15
| style="background-color: {{party color|Momentum Movement}};                                        width:  5.03%"| 10
| style="background-color: {{party color|Politics Can Be Different}};                                width:  2.51%"| 5
| style="background-color: {{party color|Jobbik}};                                                    width: 5.03%"| 10
| style="background-color: #808080;                                                                  width:  0.50%"| 1
| style="background-color: {{party color|Our Homeland Movement}};                                    width: 3.02%"| 6
| style="background-color: #0047AB;                                                                  width:  0.50%"| 1
| style="background-color: {{party color|Fidesz}};                                                    width: 58.79%"|117
| style="background-color: {{party color|Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungary)}};            width:  9.05%"| 18
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