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第9行: 第9行:
| electorate = 122042615
| electorate = 122042615
| outcome = Brazil approves the commerce of firearms and ammunition. However, President [[Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva|Lula]] maintains the prohibition.
| outcome = Brazil approves the commerce of firearms and ammunition. However, President [[Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva|Lula]] maintains the prohibition.
|map=2005 Brazilian firearms and ammunition referendum - Results by state.svg
|map_caption=Results by state<br />'''No'''{{legend|#DEDEBD|50–59%}}{{legend|#BCBC83|60–69%}}{{legend|#8B8B54|70–79%}}{{legend|#5d5d2d|80–89%}}
{{Infobox referendum
| name = 1993 Brazilian constitutional referendum
| title = Which form and which system of government should be applied in Brazil?
| date = 21 April 1993
| country = Brazil
| part1_subject = Form of government
| part1_subject = Form of government
| part1_choice1 = Presidentialism
| part1_choice1 = Presidentialism
第19行: 第27行:
| part2_choice2 = Monarchy
| part2_choice2 = Monarchy
| part2_percentage2 = 13.40
| part2_percentage2 = 13.40
|map=2005 Brazilian firearms and ammunition referendum - Results by state.svg
|map_caption=Results by state<br />'''No'''{{legend|#DEDEBD|50–59%}}{{legend|#BCBC83|60–69%}}{{legend|#8B8B54|70–79%}}{{legend|#5d5d2d|80–89%}}

第495行: 第501行:

[[分類:Pages using bar box without float left or float right|Ericchiueric/沙盒]]
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