
出自合眾百科 Unitedbook
於 2024年3月19日 (二) 05:26 由 Hinnia對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (建立內容為「1805年海崎皇居金鑾殿,失去相位當刻反應<blockquote>爾等豈能如此待孤?爾等皆有親見孤之犧牲。若非孤之奮鬥,焉有今日之希望帝國?昔日何人奮勇當先,引領萬眾度過黑暗時刻?何人肩負著率領萬民之重任?是孤!孤承受著民族期望之重!而今,爾等卻竟敢視孤如無物,鳥盡弓藏,卸磨殺驢?切記孤之所言,此非終結,吾必歸來! How can you subjec…」的新頁面)
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爾等豈能如此待孤?爾等皆有親見孤之犧牲。若非孤之奮鬥,焉有今日之希望帝國?昔日何人奮勇當先,引領萬眾度過黑暗時刻?何人肩負著率領萬民之重任?是孤!孤承受著民族期望之重!而今,爾等卻竟敢視孤如無物,鳥盡弓藏,卸磨殺驢?切記孤之所言,此非終結,吾必歸來! How can you subject me to such treatment! You have all witnessed the magnitude of my sacrifices. Without my efforts, this Empire would never have come to fruition! Who was it that stood resolute, at the vanguard, guiding our people through the bleakest of times? On whose shoulders did the onerous duty of leadership rested upon? I did! I carried the aspirations of the people! Yet, lo and behold, you cast me aside with disregard? Mark my words! this is not the end, but merely a prelude. I shall return.


區區相國之位,失去又有何妨?在孤眼中,掌握全國財富即得天下;而孤,正是統御財富之人。當今,吾已掌握東印度公司,主宰大英帝國。只需掌控慶寧行,孤即能操縱東西兩大帝國,成為天下真正之主。 Insignificant is the position of the Chancellor, what does it matter if it is lost? The master of the nation's wealth, is the one who truly wields dominion over the very fabric of our land. And I, dear companions, have the world's riches in my grasp. The East India Company has already fallen under my command, thus granting me dominion over the British Empire. And with the control of the mighty Hinnia Company, my influence shall extend across the world. The greatest empires of the East and West shall bow before me, for I shall become the true master of the world.


趙兄,孤向來待你如同親兄。若論往日,若你要孤放棄私有化慶寧行,弟必然聽從兄之指示。可當年朝堂之上,孤被解職之際,趙兄又在何處?今日,只因你不仁孤不義,你不可歸咎於孤。不過,考慮到兄弟之情,孤必定為你保留三分之一之股權。 Nick, I have always regarded you as a true brother. Had you requested me to forsake the company's privatisation eight years ago, I would have complied without hesitation. Yet, where were you when I faced my ousting? Blaming me for disloyalty is unjust, for it was your initial heartlessness that set the tone. Nonetheless, I still do see you as my brother, and I shall reserve one-third of the shares for you.


陛下,孤累了。不經不覺,孤已經掌權快半甲子了,慶寧亦已成為世界之強權,終於不再受列強凌虐。孤所期望者,莫過於在吾卸任之時,甚或百年後孤已歸老之際,後人仍能秉持孤之意志,使慶寧永蒞偉大之地位。 Your Majesty, I am tired. Tempus fugit, and I have held power for nearly three decades, while Hinnia, in turn, has ascended as a great power—a realm no longer subjugated to the yoke of foreign powers. My most fervent yearning resides in the realm of my departure, or perchance a century hence when I have passed on. May our progeny, with unfaltering resolve, continue to embrace the essence of my aspirations, thus perpetuating Hinnia's exalted stature as a great nation.