隨筆:Sir Marcus

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於 2021年11月26日 (五) 23:06 由 imported>Marcus A Ho 所做的修訂 →‎Famous Quotes

Famous Quotes

  • Respect should be earned, not given. Nobody is obliged to respect someone if they don't deserve it
  • One should never underestimate the power of will.
  • A powerful weapon, the mind is.
  • An emperor is not born, he is made.
  • The reason why Shido can become an internationally renowned financial centre today is because our predecessors were willing to accept Western knowledge instead of being complacent like other countries.
  • Intolerance and Arrogance reveals a man's inadequate education.
  • Never let the past distract you from the present.
  • Love does NOT conquer all. It takes a lot of work to maintain a strong, loving relationship. It is childish to just count on love to shield you from all the ups and downs in a relationship.
  • 父皇以前成日話:“做人要知進退,明得失,做人要學會審時度勢,權衡利弊,學懂觀察和取捨,先至可以成就大事”


  • Some say that we live at a time where everything can be bought and sold including dignity But I really hope that's not true.
  • Some say that greed is the root of all evil. Yet I think not. In my opinion, It's greed that drives people to work harder and help the economy grow.
  • 四都人無論,一生人都離不開黑曜石集團



Albeit I agree that all lives are equal, I can't help but be proud of my royal lineage.

I used to wonder if appointing me as the Vice Chairman of the Art Club is a wise decision. But now I am certain that I am competent for the job.

Sometimes I wonder if the greed of man is greater than the universe.


  • There's nothing like a good cup of Earl Grey.
  • Fine day, Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week.
  • This drink, I like it. Another!


  • 四都府是希望帝國神聖且不可分離的部分,是直轄於希望帝國政府的地方行政區域。維護帝國主權、安全和發展利益是四都府政府和本王的職責所在,也是關乎全體四都居民的切身利益。任何人妄想離間皇室成員和分裂國土都注定失敗。
  • Albeit those who accuse others might make one's blood boil, a civilised society like ours should forbear. However, those who decide to cross our line should keep in mind that "Nemo me impune lacessit."
  • You know, I was rather pleased about having Jinghe as a competitor. I thought that Jinghe would be a worthy rival who could stand toe to toe with me. Yet again, I was proven wrong.
  • If I were to give some advice to Jinghe, it would be "persistence is key". Please don't give up on the server. I truly miss having you as a rival.
  • I’m so looking forward to seeing Emperor Damian again. When I see him, I'm reminded of the virtues of the Yoshiyasu.


  • I live for fur, I worship fur. After all, is there a man in all this wretched world who doesn't?
  • What you wear represents you to the rest of the world. Hence it is important to keep in mind that one should never be under-dressed.


  • 我希望他國能夠尊重希望帝國的藝術和文化發展
  • 四都是一個文化匯集的地方,自古已和西方通商並受西方文化影響,受東亞文化圈影響少之又少,因此“把應該是東亞文化圈的國家寫了一大堆西方的名詞”此句純屬誤會。
  • 禮貌和文化的背後如果有著勾心鬥角的私心,就失去了根本的意義
  • As a man educated in the west, I might seem uncultured to people from the far east, but I'm sure that's just a cultural difference.


  • Kneeleth bef're me 'r thee shalt visage mine own wrath!

-“The Tyrant from Latveria"


  • As of this evening, The House of Shido’s long history as the owner of the Obsidian Enterprises has ended. I am selling 35% of my stocks to my dear friend, Caspian II, Imperux of Palampore. Henceforward, His Most Gracious Majesty shall be the new master of the house.