枯原的何佳臣男爵何宏清,帝國御前大臣,大紫荊勳賢,JP(英語:Oswald James Hokyeson, Baron Hokyeson of Wiltmore and Lord High Chancellor of The Empire of Hinnia;慶寧語:Hokyeson Wancinaya,1953年4月8日-),希望帝國貴族、法官、法學家、前首席御用大律師。他是現任慶寧御前大臣,亦是景祥政變後第一任御前大臣,和最高法院成立後第一任院長。2019年被彰德帝任命為御前大臣前,他曾任四都府最高司法院首席法官及原訟法庭法官等職。何宏清目前亦兼任香港最高法院海外非常任法官、四都大學法律學院名譽教授、香港大學法律學院名譽教授。

專業 編輯

  • 1974年:牛津大學法律文學士
  • 1975年:英國格雷律師學院畢業,取得英格蘭和威爾斯大律師資格
  • 1976年:回到慶寧加入何佳臣律師學院,入職何佳臣-丹拿實習
  • 1977年:取得慶寧大律師資格,並在何佳臣-丹拿就職。
  • 1980年:取得新加坡大律師資格
  • 1981年:取得香港大律師資格,升任何佳臣-丹拿合夥人
  • 1985年:奉委為帝國聯邦御用大律師
  • 1986年:升任何佳臣-丹拿資深合夥人
  • 1987年:奉委為慶寧資深大律師
  • 1990年:奉委為慶寧御用大律師和香港御用大律師,升任何佳臣-丹拿首席合夥人
  • 1995年:獲授國民大綬章
  • 1997年:獲授大英帝國官佐勳章
  • 2000年:奉委為首席御用大律師
  • 2004年:獲授榮光特綬章
  • 2005年:獲頒牛津大學民法學博士
  • 2006年:任四都府最高司法院原訟法庭特委法官
  • 2010年:任四都府最高司法院原訟法庭法官
  • 2010年:任四都府最高司法院上訴法庭法官
  • 2015年:任四都府最高司法院首席法官
  • 2017年:獲授予男爵爵位,入國會任希望帝國大法官
  • 2018年:任香港最高法院海外非常任法官
  • 2019年:就任御前大臣,任香港大學法律學院名譽教授
  • 2020年:獲授大紫荊勳章

頭銜 編輯

1953-1985年 編輯


Lord Oswald Hokyeson

1985-1987年 編輯


Lord Oswald Hokyeson, Queen's Counsel

1987-1988年 編輯


Lord Oswald Hokyeson, Queen's Counsel, Senior Counsel

1988-1990年 編輯


His Worship Lord Oswald Hokyeson, Queen's Counsel, Senior Counsel, Justice of the Peace

1990-1995年 編輯


His Worship Lord Oswald Hokyeson, His Majesty's Serjeant-at-law, Queen's Counsel, Justice of the Peace

1995-1997年 編輯


His Worship Lord Oswald Hokyeson, His Imperial Majesty's Serjeant-at-law, Queen's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Justice of the Peace

1997-2000年 編輯


His Worship Lord Oswald Hokyeson, His Imperial Majesty's Serjeant-at-Law, Queen's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Justice of the Peace

2000-2004年 編輯

尊貴的何宏清勳爵,慶寧首席御用大律師,女皇御用大律師,從二品上勳位榮光特綬章, 從三品上勳位國民大綬章,最優秀的大英帝國官佐勳章,太平紳士

The Honourable Lord Oswald Hokyeson, His Imperial Majesty's Chief Serjeant-at-Law, Queen's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Glory, Upper Grade, Lower Second Rank, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Justice of the Peace

2004-2005年 編輯

尊貴的何宏清勳爵,慶寧首席御用大律師,女皇御用大律師,從二品上勳位榮光特綬章, 從三品上勳位國民大綬章,最優秀的大英帝國官佐勳章,太平紳士,牛津大學民法學博士

The Honourable Lord Oswald Hokyeson, His Imperial Majesty's Chief Serjeant-at-Law, Queen's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Glory, Upper Grade, Lower Second Rank, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Justice of the Peace, Doctor of Civil Law (University of Oxford)

2005-2006年 編輯

尊貴的何宏清勳爵,慶寧首席御用大律師,女皇御用大律師,從二品上勳位榮光特綬章, 從三品上勳位國民大綬章,最優秀的大英帝國官佐勳章,太平紳士,牛津大學民法學博士

The Honourable Lord Oswald Hokyeson, His Imperial Majesty's Chief Serjeant-at-Law, Queen's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Glory, Upper Grade, Lower Second Rank, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Justice of the Peace, Doctor of Civil Law (University of Oxford)

2006-2010年 編輯

尊貴的何宏清勳爵,四都府最高司法院原訟法庭特委法官,慶寧首席御用大律師,女皇御用大律師,從二品上勳位榮光特綬章, 從三品上勳位國民大綬章,最優秀的大英帝國官佐勳章,太平紳士,牛津大學民法學博士

The Honourable Lord Oswald Hokyeson, Recorder of the Court of First Instance of the High Court of the Commandery of Shido, His Imperial Majesty's Chief Serjeant-at-Law, Queen's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Glory, Upper Grade, Lower Second Rank, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Justice of the Peace, Doctor of Civil Law (University of Oxford)

2010-2015年 編輯

尊貴的何宏清勳爵,四都府最高司法院原訟法庭法官,慶寧御用大律師,女皇御用大律師,從二品上勳位榮光特綬章, 從三品上勳位國民大綬章,最優秀的大英帝國官佐勳章,太平紳士,牛津大學民法學博士

The Honourable Lord Oswald Hokyeson, Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court of the Commandery of Shido, His Imperial Majesty's Serjeant-at-Law, Queen's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Glory, Upper Grade, Lower Second Rank, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Justice of the Peace, Doctor of Civil Law (University of Oxford)

2015-2017年 編輯

尊貴的何宏清勳爵,四都府最高司法院首席法官,慶寧御用大律師,女皇御用大律師,從二品上勳位榮光特綬章, 從三品上勳位國民大綬章,最優秀的大英帝國官佐勳章,太平紳士,牛津大學民法學博士

The Honourable Lord Oswald Hokyeson, Chief Judge of the High Court of the Commandery of Shido, His Imperial Majesty's Serjeant-at-Law, Queen's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Glory, Upper Grade, Lower Second Rank, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Justice of the Peace, Doctor of Civil Law (University of Oxford)

2017-2019年 編輯

非常尊貴的何宏清男爵,希望帝國國會大法官,慶寧御用大律師,女皇御用大律師,從二品上勳位榮光特綬章, 從三品上勳位國民大綬章,最優秀的大英帝國官佐勳章,今上女皇陛下最尊貴的御前會議御前重臣,太平紳士,牛津大學民法學博士

The Right Honourable Baron Oswald Hokyeson, Justice of the Parliament of the Empire of Hinnia, His Imperial Majesty's Serjeant-at-Law, Queen's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Glory, Upper Grade, Lower Second Rank, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Counsellor in Her Imperial Majesty's Most Honourable Imperial Council, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Justice of the Peace, Doctor of Civil Law (University of Oxford)

2019-2022年 編輯

非常尊貴的何宏清男爵,希望帝國御前大臣、希望帝國最高法院院長,慶寧御用大律師,女皇御用大律師,從二品上勳位榮光特綬章, 從三品上勳位國民大綬章,最優秀的大英帝國官佐勳章,今上女皇陛下最尊貴的御前會議御前重臣,太平紳士,牛津大學民法學博士

The Right Honourable Baron Oswald Hokyeson, Lord High Chancellor the Empire of Hinnia, Lord President of the Supreme Court of the Empire of Hinnia, His Imperial Majesty's Serjeant-at-Law, Queen's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Glory, Upper Grade, Lower Second Rank, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Counsellor in Her Imperial Majesty's Most Honourable Imperial Council, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Justice of the Peace, Doctor of Civil Law (University of Oxford)

2022年至今 編輯

非常尊貴的何宏清男爵,希望帝國御前大臣、希望帝國最高法院院長,慶寧御用大律師,英皇御用大律師,從二品上勳位榮光特綬章, 從三品上勳位國民大綬章,最優秀的大英帝國官佐勳章,今上女皇陛下最尊貴的御前會議御前重臣,太平紳士,牛津大學民法學博士

The Right Honourable Baron Oswald Hokyeson, Lord High Chancellor the Empire of Hinnia, Lord President of the Supreme Court of the Empire of Hinnia, His Imperial Majesty's Serjeant-at-Law, King's Counsel, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Glory, Upper Grade, Lower Second Rank, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nation, Upper Grade, Lower Third Rank, Counsellor in Her Imperial Majesty's Most Honourable Imperial Council, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Justice of the Peace, Doctor of Civil Law (University of Oxford)

簡稱:The Rt Hon The Lord Hokyeson