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== 頭銜 ==
== 頭銜 ==
現任希望帝國皇帝的完整頭銜為「希望一世陛下,蒙上帝恩典,希望帝國及其附屬領地的皇帝,希望公民的皇帝,光城帝國及其附屬領地的皇帝和獨裁者,光城人的皇帝和獨裁者,圓墩帝國及其附屬領地的皇帝和獨裁者,圓墩人的皇帝和獨裁者,戶和帝國及其附屬領地的皇帝和獨裁者,戶和人的皇帝和獨裁者,慶寧人的皇帝,光城親王,圓墩公爵,光城宮當主,亞登帝國及其附屬領地的皇太弟,新蘭西亞大公國及其附屬領地的大公儲,信仰捍衛者,守護者,自由的捍衛者」(His Majesty Hope I, by the grace of God, Emperor of the Empire of Hope and its affiliated territories, the Emperor of Citizens of the Empire, Emperor and Supreme Dictator of the Empire of Mitsujo and its affiliated territories, Emperor and High Dictator of the people of Mitsujo, Emperor and Supreme Dictator of the Empire of Enton and its affiliated territories, Emperor and High Dictator of the people of Enton, Emperor and Supreme Dictator of the Empire of Fuwa and its affiliated territories, Emperor and High Dictator of the people of Fuwa, Emperor of the people of Yoshiyasu, Prince of Mitsujo, Duke of Enton, Lord of Mitsujo Miya, The Royal Brother of the Arden Empire and its affiliated territories, The Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of New Lancia and its affiliated territories, Defender of the Faith and of Freedom)
現任希望帝國皇帝的完整頭銜為「彰德今上皇帝陛下,蒙上帝恩典,希望帝國及其附屬領地的皇帝,希望公民的皇帝,光城帝國及其附屬領地的皇帝和獨裁者,光城人的皇帝和獨裁者,圓墩帝國及其附屬領地的皇帝和獨裁者,圓墩人的皇帝和獨裁者,戶和帝國及其附屬領地的皇帝和獨裁者,戶和人的皇帝和獨裁者,慶寧人的皇帝,光城親王,圓墩公爵,光城宮當主,亞登帝國及其附屬領地的皇太弟,新蘭西亞大公國及其附屬領地的大公儲,信仰捍衛者,守護者,自由的捍衛者」(His Majesty, by the grace of God, Emperor of the Empire of Hope and its affiliated territories, the Emperor of Citizens of the Empire, Emperor and Supreme Dictator of the Empire of Mitsujo and its affiliated territories, Emperor and High Dictator of the people of Mitsujo, Emperor and Supreme Dictator of the Empire of Enton and its affiliated territories, Emperor and High Dictator of the people of Enton, Emperor and Supreme Dictator of the Empire of Fuwa and its affiliated territories, Emperor and High Dictator of the people of Fuwa, Emperor of the people of Yoshiyasu, Prince of Mitsujo, Duke of Enton, Lord of Mitsujo Miya, The Royal Brother of the Arden Empire and its affiliated territories, The Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of New Lancia and its affiliated territories, Defender of the Faith and of Freedom)

君主的敬稱為「皇帝陛下」(His Majesty)或「女皇陛下」(Her Majesty)。在國際條約和護照上亦使用「皇帝陛下」(Hopenic Majesty)一稱,以區別希望帝國國君和其他國家的君主。君主可自主選定其尊號,而尊號並不一定是其名字。例如希望一世未使用其名字作為尊號
君主的敬稱為「皇帝陛下」(His Majesty)或「女皇陛下」(Her Majesty)。在國際條約和護照上亦使用「皇帝陛下」(Hopenic Majesty)一稱,以區別希望帝國皇帝和其他國家的君主。

根據傳統,國君的簽名包括其尊號(不包括序數),後加字母C,指代拉丁語中的「凱撒」(Caesar。現任國君的簽名為「Davy C」。
根據傳統,國君的簽名包括其尊號(不包括序數),後加字母C,指代拉丁語中的「凱撒」(Caesar。現任國君的簽名為「Davy C」。