

移除 249 位元組 、​ 2024年4月20日 (星期六)
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第22行: 第22行:
|style          = 非常尊貴的<br>The Right Honourable
|style          = 非常尊貴的<br>The Right Honourable
'''希望帝國首相'''(英文:'''Prime Minister of the Empire of Hinnia'''),簡稱帝國首相,國外常冠國名稱為希望帝國首相、慶寧首相;在日本則慶寧為帝國首相、首相、總理、宰相等,尊稱「閣下」。其是希望帝國內閣的首長,由帝國皇帝負責任命,故法理上並不需要為帝國國會任何一院的成員。但在憲政慣例和皇室詔令規管下,現今帝國首相多經由帝國國會參眾兩院的首相指名選舉選出後交由帝國皇帝任命。現任帝國首相為[[自由民主黨]]籍的[[楊永光]],於2023年6月1日就任。
'''希望帝國首相'''(英文:'''Prime Minister of the Empire of Hinnia'''),簡稱帝國首相,國外常冠國名稱為希望帝國首相、慶寧首相;在慶寧為帝國首相、首相、總理、宰相等,尊稱「閣下」。其是希望帝國內閣的首長,由帝國皇帝負責任命,故法理上並不需要為帝國國會任何一院的成員。但在憲政慣例和皇室詔令規管下,現今帝國首相多經由帝國國會參眾兩院的首相指名選舉選出後交由帝國皇帝任命。現任帝國首相為[[自由民主黨]]籍的[[楊永光]],於2023年6月1日就任。

== 簡介 ==
== 簡介 ==
第37行: 第37行:
=== 首相就職宣誓(Oath of Office of the Prime Minister) ===
=== 首相就職宣誓(Oath of Office of the Prime Minister) ===
中文誓詞<blockquote>余,(名字),謹於今上皇帝陛下及慶寧國民全體前莊嚴宣誓:就任希望帝國首相,定當,效忠(年號)今上皇帝陛下及希望帝國,尊重及保衛民眾與國民之權利與自由,維護帝國之榮光及統一,為帝國之長遠久治而竭盡所能,忠於良心,無負國民付託。如違誓言,願受官方最嚴厲之制裁,謹誓。</blockquote>英文誓詞<blockquote>I, (name), solemnly swear before His Imperial Majesty and the people of Hinnia that, in the office of Prime Minister of the Empire of Hinnia, I will bear allegiance His Majesty the Emperor and the Empire of Hinnia, respect and protect the rights and liberties of the citizens and people of Hinnia, safeguard the glory and unity of the Empire, do my utmost for the long-term and lasting rule of the Empire, and that I will be true to my conscience and not fail to fulfil the trust of the people. Should I break my oath, I shall be willing to submit myself to the most severe punishment by the Crown. This is my solemn oath.</blockquote>
中文誓詞<blockquote>余,(名字),謹於今上皇帝陛下及慶寧國民全體前莊嚴宣誓:就任希望帝國首相,定當,效忠(年號)今上皇帝陛下及希望帝國,尊重及保衛民眾與國民之權利與自由,維護帝國之榮光及統一,為帝國之長遠久治而竭盡所能,忠於良心,無負國民付託。如違誓言,願受官方最嚴厲之制裁,謹誓。</blockquote>英文誓詞<blockquote>I, (name), solemnly swear before His Imperial Majesty and the people of Hinnia that, in the office of Prime Minister of the Empire of Hinnia, I will bear allegiance His Majesty the Emperor and the Empire of Hinnia, respect and protect the rights and liberties of the citizens and people of Hinnia, safeguard the glory and unity of the Empire, do my utmost for the long-term and lasting rule of the Empire, and that I will be true to my conscience and not fail to fulfil the trust of the people. Should I break my oath, I shall be willing to submit myself to the most severe punishment by the Crown. This is my solemn oath.</blockquote>

== 歷任 ==
== 歷任 ==
第260行: 第257行:
== 參見 ==
== 參見 ==
== 外部連結 ==

