

移除 3 位元組 、​ 2024年8月21日 (星期三)
第240行: 第240行:
:全稱:「最崇高、偉大及傑出的德賢親王殿下,光城親王,光城宮當主,最榮耀大勳位星光大勳章的擁有者,榮譽帝國國民」(The Most High, Mighty, and Illustrious Prince Davy, Prince of Mitsujo, Lord of the Princely House of Mitsujo, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of Starlight, Supreme Grade, First Class, Honorary Citizen of The Empire)
:全稱:「最崇高、偉大及傑出的德賢親王殿下,光城親王,光城宮當主,最榮耀大勳位星光大勳章的擁有者,榮譽帝國國民」(The Most High, Mighty, and Illustrious Prince Davy, Prince of Mitsujo, Lord of the Princely House of Mitsujo, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of Starlight, Supreme Grade, First Class, Honorary Citizen of The Empire)
* 2019年11月27日 – 今:彰德今上皇帝陛下(英語:His (Imperial) Majesty The Emperor)
* 2019年11月27日 – 今:彰德今上皇帝陛下(英語:His (Imperial) Majesty The Emperor)
:全稱:「最崇高,最偉大及最彪炳的君主,臣等之上主,彰德今上皇帝陛下,奉天及其民承運,希望帝國及其附屬領地之皇品帝勳位皇帝,慶寧人之帝,慶寧聯合國家協約之元首,慶寧皇室之宗主,五信物之主,榮譽帝國國民,眾民之僕,帝國的守護者,自由的捍衛者,最高貴的帝國勳章及其附屬勳章的元首,最古老的慶寧騎士團大團長」(The Most High, Most Mighty and Most Excellent Monarch, our Sovereign Lord, Changde, now, by the Grace of God and of the People, of the Empire of Hinnia and of His other Realms and Territories Emperor of the Imperial Rank, Sovereign Grade, Emperor of the Hinnese, Supreme Head of the Commonwealth of Hinnese Nations, Head of the Imperial House of Hinnia, Master of the Five Regalia, Honorary Citizen of the Empire, Servant of the People, Guardian of the Empire, Defender of Freedom, Sovereign of the Most Noble Order of the Empire and of his other Orders, Grand Master of the Most Ancient Order of Hinnia)<!--
:全稱:「最崇高,最偉大及最彪炳的君主,臣等之上主,彰德今上皇帝陛下,奉天及其民承運,希望帝國及其附屬領地之皇品帝勳位皇帝,慶寧人,慶寧聯合國家協約之元首,慶寧皇室之宗主,五信物之主,榮譽帝國國民,眾民之僕,帝國的守護者,自由的捍衛者,最高貴的帝國勳章及其附屬勳章的元首,最古老的慶寧騎士團大團長」(The Most High, Most Mighty and Most Excellent Monarch, our Sovereign Lord, Changde, now, by the Grace of God and of the People, of the Empire of Hinnia and of His other Realms and Territories Emperor of the Imperial Rank, Sovereign Grade, Emperor of the Hinnese, Supreme Head of the Commonwealth of Hinnese Nations, Head of the Imperial House of Hinnia, Master of the Five Regalia, Honorary Citizen of the Empire, Servant of the People, Guardian of the Empire, Defender of Freedom, Sovereign of the Most Noble Order of the Empire and of his other Orders, Grand Master of the Most Ancient Order of Hinnia)<!--
