
「隨筆:Sir Marcus」:修訂間差異

增加 87 位元組 、​ 2021年8月10日 (星期二)
imported>Marcus A Ho
imported>Marcus A Ho
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== Famous Quotes ==
== Famous Quotes ==
Respect should be earned, not given. Nobody is obliged to respect someone if they don't deserve it

It is amusing to see Damian slowly turning into Napoleon from Animal Farm.
* Respect should be earned, not given. Nobody is obliged to respect someone if they don't deserve it
* It is amusing to see Damian slowly turning into Napoleon from Animal Farm.
* One should never underestimate the power of will.
* A powerful weapon, the mind is.
* An emperor is not born, he is made.
* We royals are not gods! We're born, we live, we die, just as humans do.
* The reason why Shido can become an internationally renowned financial centre today is because our predecessors were willing to accept Western knowledge instead of being complacent like other countries.
* Intolerance and Arrogance reveals a man's inadequate education.
* Never let the past distract you from the present.

One should never underestimate the power of will.
== 社會 ==
A powerful weapon, the mind is.
An emperor is not born, he is made.

We royals are not gods! We're born, we live, we die, just as humans do.
* Some say that we live at a time where everything can be bought and sold including dignity But I really hope that's not true.
The reason why Shido can become an internationally renowned financial centre today is because our predecessors were willing to accept Western knowledge instead of being complacent like other countries.
Intolerance and Arrogance reveals a man's inadequate education.
== 社會 ==
Some say that we live at a time where everything can be bought and sold including dignity But I really hope that's not true.
There's nothing like a good cup of Earl Grey.

Fine day, Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week.
* There's nothing like a good cup of Earl Grey.
* Fine day, Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week.
This drink, I like it. Another!
* This drink, I like it. Another!

== 政治和外交 ==
== 政治和外交 ==

* 四都府是希望帝國神聖且不可分離的部分,是直轄於希望帝國政府的地方行政區域。維護帝國主權、安全和發展利益是四都府政府和本王的職責所在,也是關乎全體四都居民的切身利益。任何人妄想離間皇室成員和分裂國土都注定失敗。
* 你去過希國嗎?你了解希國嗎?
* 我必須說,你的言論充滿了對希望帝國的偏見與傲慢……我不知道這從何而來,但完全無法令人接受。
* 治國就是這樣的!好像跑步游泳一樣,還不是你做什麼他就做什麼!有什麼好抗議的?
* Albeit those uncultured swine who accuse others might make one's blood boil, a civilised society like ours should forbear. However, those who decide to cross our line should keep in mind that "Nemo me impune lacessit."

== 時裝 ==

Albeit those uncultured swine who accuse others might make one's blood boil, a civilised society like ours should forbear. However, those who decide to cross our line should keep in mind that "Nemo me impune lacessit."
* I live for fur, I worship fur. After all, is there a man in all this wretched world who doesn't?
== 時裝 ==
I live for fur, I worship fur. After all, is there a man in all this wretched world who doesn't?
== 文化藝術 ==
== 文化藝術 ==

As a man educated in the west, I might seem uncultured to people from the far east, but I'm sure that's just a cultural difference.
* 希望帝國藝術和文化發展純屬希國內政,某些國家和人士沒有資格指手畫腳
* 四都是一個文化匯集的地方,自古已和西方通商並受西方文化影響,受東亞文化圈影響少之又少,某些人指本王把應該是東亞文化圈的國家寫了一大堆西方的名詞根本荒謬至極。
* 禮貌和文化的背後如果有著勾心鬥角的私心,就失去了根本的意義
* As a man educated in the west, I might seem uncultured to people from the far east, but I'm sure that's just a cultural difference.