Marcus Sze, Prince of Shido

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(重新導向自Magnus Sze, Prince of Shido
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Marcus, Prince of Shido (Marcus Aurelius Hendrik Philippe Albert Augustus Sze; born February 17, -),styled as Prince Marcus, Duke of Hamilton before May 2021, is a member of the Imperial House of The Empire of Hinnia, politician and philanthropist He was canonized by His Majesty Emperor Changde as Prince of Shido after aiding him in the Keisho Coup.

He was the Chairman of the Board and President of The Shido Group, until the acquisition by Nicholas Ho, 8th Duke of Buckuen in 2022. In 2020, Magnus was made Duke of Hamilton preceding his marriage to heiress Lorena White.

Early Life[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]